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The name of God is Allah.
4. The name of God is Allah...
(This is a response to the video of Ahmad Deedat who claims to have found the name Allah in the Bible.)
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List of Slected Videos from YouTube
Abdullah Vs White
Ahmed Deedat: Is Jesus God?
Ahmed Deedat: The Bible
Ahmed Deedat: The Quran
Deedat vs Sjoberg
How Many Bibles Do We Have?
Is Allah God?
Is OT dAbrogate ?
Is the Bible Corrupted?
Jalal Abualrub vs. J. White
New Testament & the Qur'an
New Testament & the Qur'an-Canon
Shabir Ally Debates
Shabir Ally Rebuttal
Strong Spirit of Islam
The name of God is Allah
True Prophetic Line: Ishmael or Isaac?
White vs. Shah
White vs. Zaatari